Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Why No News About Libya Today? After All, Weren't Combat Operations Completed Yesterday ... Again?

Why isn't there ANY news today on MSNBC talking up the fact that we are FINALLY done with combat operations in Libya? We ARE finished with them aren't we? After all President Obama promised(!) we'd be done yesterday when he went back on his word and extended our combat mission.

So, why isn't it a big deal when we end our combat role in a foreign war? Isn't that something to celebrate? Hmmmmmm.

Maybe it's because we're not really done with combat operations there (as of 4/4/2011) and neither the President nor The Media want to admit it? Maybe, as I've said multiple times before, the world, especially NATO and the UN, cannot or will not do the policing that they love to criticize us for doing?

Stay tuned!

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