Sunday, April 3, 2011

End Of Combat In Libya: Well That Didn't Last Very Long President Obama!

I've been saying all along that it's delusional of President Obama to think NATO can do international policing without us doing most if not all the heavy lifting. Well, now they're asking us to continue combat missions in Libya. No big surprise to anyone with much common sense in my opinion. That NATO cannot handle Libya by themselves should have been obvious to him. Just because he wants them to do more heavy lifting in military matters doesn't mean they're either willing or able to do so. As always, it's up to us.

I can't find anywhere on the 'major networks' where they're reporting on the request by NATO to continue with our combat missions (probably because they know it'll make Obama look bad). So, here's the information that I had to get from Fox:

I've said for years that Obama's attempt to get other countries to handle military needs in their back yard was unrealistic. They have neither the monetary resources nor the backbone to do what he wants. It really bothers me how naive our president is.

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