Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wait A Minute! I Thought Islam Is A Religion Of Peace!

Before I get to what I want to say, please check this out:

Every time we get our dander up over some Muslim atrocity against us, moderate Muslims, if there really is such a person by Western standards, tell us that Islam is a religion of peace and that they really do want to live in peace with non-Muslims. They tell us that if we even want to TALK, in a national debate, about the threat of radical Islam, we're being prejudiced and unfair. And many (most?) liberals in our society go along with that and want us to fall on our collective sword for simply having the audacity to want to talk about a national threat. Our citizens' lives are being threatened and extinguished but we must not talk about what to do because it 'targets' Muslims. Never mind that we only want to talk about radical Islam. Never mind that the comparison of evils is killing versus talking ... and it's the latter that's a terrible thing to do. Good Grief!

Okay! Let's assume once more(!) that talking about radical Islam could gather into the discussion a sense of prejudice about Muslims. Let's once again try to believe that Islam is a religion of peace. We're supposed to believe that in spite of the fact that the two main branches of Islam, Sunni and Shiite, have been killing each other ... randomly ... for centuries? How on earth can a rational person believe that this is a religion of peace based simply on how they treat each other? If it's a religion of peace (ie, peace flows in their very soul) how can they justify randomly killing each other? When do we ever see the leaders of one branch of Islam in a country or between countries make efforts at peace with the other? It never happens! That alone tells a thinking person that they're oriented toward annihilating whomever doesn't agree with their version of Islam. That not only includes the other branch of Islam but ALL infidels (ie, non-Muslims) as well!

Add to that the fact that 'moderate Muslims' remain in the shadows most of the time and won't vigorously denounce this threat against us. A few outspoken ones do speak out but by and large the Muslim community is silent about it. One has to wonder why. Why don't they vigorously try to purge their religion of the radical element or at least call for it? Why do they have more to say about us wanting to talk about it than they have to say about members of their own religion doing this to us and throughout the world? Maybe it's because they know that doing that would be considered blasphemy, the penalty for which is usually death. Hmmmm. Doesn't the very fact that they fear death for speaking out in defense of peace within their religion confirm that the fundamental nature of Islam is to instill fear, not peace? The first reaction to a perceived(!) affront is more likely severe than peaceful?

Note I said 'perceived affront'. If peace is in the nature of Islam then fair justice should be the standard ... the default to which they're obliged to turn because their religion requires that they at least keep trying. But it isn't. A pastor in Florida burns a Quran (which of course is an obvious affront to the religion he professes!) and hundreds of 'average Muslims' go on a killing rampage against people who had nothing to do with it. There could have been no doubt that the people they were killing had nothing to do with what that pastor did. It was a random evil in response to something 99.99% of Americans think was completely wrong to do. What, then, is in the nature of Islam that's peaceful? Was the Muslim community more outraged over the pastor or the random killing by Muslims of innocent people? You know the answer because you read the news. I don't get it.

We must have an honest national debate about this very real threat from a too large percentage of Muslims who obviously have no peace running through their soul, much less see it as inherent in their religion. The really hard part will be when we decide what to do about it. If they think that just talking about it is unfair I can't wait to see their reaction when we do something which those in their religion have left us no choice about doing. We're supposed to sit idly by like most Muslims do and let radical elements do whatever evil they want to us? I don't think so. I'm inclined to resist being killed for simply living in this country. I want this evil, obviously radical, thing understood and dealt with.

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