Saturday, April 9, 2011

Democrats Aren't Serious About Reducing Our Debt. They're FAILING At Their Job!

So, here's the damage done this past decade starting with Bush coming into office:

6 years of Republican controlled congress: $3.2 Trillion new debt.
4 years of Democrat controlled congress: $5.0 Tillion new debt on top of that.

Let me translate that for you. Democrats piled up 56% MORE debt in 2/3 the time that Republicans did. Here's another comparison based on average debt increase per year:
Republicans: $0.53 Trillion/year
Democrats: $1.25 Trillion/year

And if you blieve the media hype that Democrats only spent more because of the recession Obama inherited (ie, Republicans made them do it), Democrats spent $1 Trillion the year BEFORE the recession hit ... that's double what Republicans spent previous years.

Democrats have been piling up debt 2 1/2 times more per year than Republicans!!! It's a fact so why not admit it? Whether they 'had to' or not, we still must reduce the debt it created, right?

Democrats' solution to budget and debt reductions: take it as slow as possible. $36 Billion decrease in the current budget ... R U Kidding Me? That's only 2.4% of this year's budget deficit and a paltry 0.25% of the national debt. At that rate we'll achieve a balanced budget in about a hundred years. That's INSANE! Not to mention SUICIDAL! Our economy will NOT survive that long!

Who's trying to be serious about debt reduction based on everything we're hearing by ALL media: Republicans. Why? Because they know it WILL destroy our economy and they're at least acting like they care. Pretty much every respected economist says the debt will destroy our economy. The presdent's OWN debt commission said so. Why is it that only Republicans are the least bit serious about fixing this problem?

Who's NOT trying to be serious about debt reduction (they're vigorously opposing serious budget reductions): Democrats. Why? Because it'll be painful to Americans. Translation: they'll lose votes from the millions of Americans who want government to take care of them instead of acting like responsible people and doing whatever it takes to make a living for themselves.

Wake up people! Before it's too late! Our dollar could cease being the standard currency very soon. When that happens we'll be in a world of hurt, especially with all this debt! Most of you out there don't seem to know it's about to happen and you don't seem to know the consequences. You think chaos can't happen here? Think again!

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