Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Obama: A Shutdown Would Be "Inexcusable"?!?!

President Obama, we wouldn't BE in this situation of needing to deal with the budget if Democrats had done their constitutional duty and passed a budget last year when they were totally in charge of the federal government ... House, Senate and White House.

Why didn't they pass a budget prior to the election as the constitution requires? Because:
1. If they passed the budget they wanted that would keep spending going: keeping the spending going just before the election when a large majority of Americans were getting really fed up with too much spending would have made their election results even worse!
2. If they passed a budget that cut spending: the 'governmment will take care of you' crowd (most Democrats, especially progressives) would castigate them for cutting entitlements, welfare, education, etc ... even though that's what must be done ... according to Obama's OWN economic advisory team.

Democrats didn't have the courage to do either their constitutional duty or the right thing for the country (cut spending) so they chose to do nothing(!), knowing Republicans were prepared to do that in which case they could use it against them in the next election. They saw it as a win-win-win.
Win #1: with no budget to restrict their spending, they could just keep piling up the debt with no budget accountability ... because there was no budget.

Win #2: they KNEW Republicans were committed to cutting spending so, if Republicans took over the House (which anyone with half a brain knew was going to happen), they could let the Republicans cut what NEEDED to be cut and then blame them for all the heartless cuts (that they didn't have the courage to make).

Win #3: they KNEW that if Republicans won control of the House, Democrats could hold up the budget with irresponsible claims about too much cutting and then use the "Republicans are shutting down the government" argument against those heartless and irresponsible GOPers.

Only problem with what they chose to do is it makes them losers in every literal and figurative sense of the word.

To me, it was cowardly of Democrats to not pass a budget when needed and for the reasons they didn't do it. It was pure politics of the worst and most irresponsible kind. Playing political games while allowing our federal budget and debt spiral further out of control is just sick.

The reason we're having this problem with getting a budget done HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH REPUBLICAN PROPOSALS OR BEHAVIOR. The ONLY reason we don't have a budget now is because Democrats had total control of the federal government and could have passed ANY BUDGET THEY WANTED LAST YEAR WHEN THE CONSTITUTION REQUIRED THEM TO DO SO.

Got a question for you. Haven't all legislators sworn to uphold the constitution? The hard fact is, therefore, that they're the ones in total violation of their constitutional duty to pass a budget. Period! It has nothing to do with Republicans now having to carry their water and do Democrats' job for them.

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