Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Can We PLEASE Move On To Important Matters Now?

As much as I appreciate the message of the Tea Party (less government, less spending, no debt), the movement has drawn to it a non-trivial number of people who take our focus off the message and have made us look like kooks. I'm happy the president finally produced his birth certificate and there are a few things worth highlighting in retrospect.

I've never mentioned it in my blog for two reasons. First, I never had any serious doubt about his birthplace. (No, I didn't write about it and then delete it to cover up what I said!). Second, I've strongly believed that we've had more serious issues to discuss.

I never liked the way the Tea Party played politics with this issue. I also didn't like the way the president played politics with it. After all, if he was really the 'uniter' that he claimed to be, he should have been more interested in eliminating the controversy (by producing the certificate) rather than using it to his political advantage (to paint the entire Tea Party as a bunch of kooks over the actions of a small minority).

The president was the first to act like a grown-up on this issue and I give him props for doing so. It is good for the country that he did it. For sure, there's no lack of serious issues to have a national debate about. I hope we can move on to those now.

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