Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Welfare State At What Cost?

Here's a link that's very relevant to the root cause of all the red ink we have nationally and I'll introduce it with a quote from it: "Democrats are in charge of 35 of the 40 chambers in states with the 20 largest deficits, including control of both the Senate and House in 17 of these 20 states". There's no way to interpret this than the more Democrat-controlled the state is the greater the debt problems are. This illustrates a major flaw in their welfare state type governance.

The article examines data before and after the last election and compares the relationship before and after the 2008 election, ie before and after the economic collapse. The only difference is that after the 2008 election the states that went more Republican are on firmer gound today and those still controlled by Democrats are still in as much trouble as before.

Republican policies, including Bush's(!), did not cause their debt troubles. (Whatever Bush did that you disagree with affected states more or less equally so this big difference between states is not his doing.) Guess which party's policies did cause these debt problems? Hello!?!? Guess which party's policies are getting states out of trouble that were in trouble after the 2008 elections? Hello!?!?

By the way, very liberal, highly progressive MSNBC just published an article describing which states still have big debt problems. Why do you suppose it is that they didn't mention the above correlation? Do you think they would have if the data showed it was Republican states in the biggest trouble? ;-)  Here's their article:

As I said in a recent post below, you can't make up stuff that's more laughable than this. Trouble is, the joke's on the citizens of those states and, unfortunately, on the rest of us whose state leadership have been more fiscally responsible because we will continue paying a price for bad governance in troubled states until they get their budgets balanced.

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