Saturday, January 7, 2012

Still More Re This Imperial Presidency ... The List Of Those Lending Credibility To That Fact Grows

Now we hear from Andrew McCarthy about this increasingly imperial presidency:

He also calls out 'Establishment Republicans' who have abandoned their roots whereby they historically made strong efforts to preserve and protect constitutional principles. Their failings this century is why the Tea Party exists and it is why "moderate" Republicans (Romney, McCain and any of that ilk) get scarce support from them.

How much longer shall we deem this to be a representative democracy while, increasingly, the people in power no longer care what The People think, say or want? When those (or one) in power flaunt self-proclaimed(!), self-assumed(!) authority over and contrary to constitutional processes, principles and precedents? When one man can grant to himself whatever authority over congress HE chooses? When the president can decide he's subject to neither congressional control nor The People's will?

We're becoming a representative democracy in name only and we WILL be the worse for it if we allow this trend to continue. Under the constitution, the president is answerable to congress which is answerable to The People. However, as Mr. McCarthy laments, the constitution, The People's bulwark against tyranny (a wonderful and wonderous gift from our founders), is being subverted as congress sits idly on its collective hands and takes no interest in defending, much less exercising their authority.

As Mr. McCarthy also laments and I've noted previously, the president's oath of office (to "preserve, protect and defend" the constitution) has been rendered utterly irrelevant by our current president who unilaterally claims by his actions that there are no boundaries on what he chooses to do and he's answerable to no one he doesn't want(!) to answer to. Sounds like imperial and supremely arrogant behavior to me.

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