Friday, January 6, 2012

Does Truth And Honesty Matter? Apparently Not To President Obama Regarding His Recess Appointments This Week

First, please take a moment to reflect on what you believe the president has said this week was his justification for going forward with recess appointments to the NLRB without waiting for congressional hearings on and confirmation of the individuals.

Next, please read this:

Does what you've heard the president actually say about why he used recess appointments instead of the normal congressional process have any similarity to the facts?

For example, did you think that Republicans have been standing in the way? That's not possible since Democrats control the Senate and all committees who might look into the recommended confirmations.

For another example, did you think that the relevant congressional committee has received all necessary information from and about the candidates and has just been sitting on it for purely political reasons?

For another example, did you think Republicans have been holding up the nominations for purely political reasons for around six months? That's not possible not only because Republicans have no control over that but because the Senate has not even received all the documentation required from the conferees themselves. In addition, two of the three nominations weren't even submitted to the Senate until December 15th, never mind all the required documentation needed for review of the candidates.

Can you honestly say that President Obama has been honest with us or is it more likely he's playing purely partisan political games by not allowing congress or Republicans to do due diligence and then blaming them for not finishing the confirmation hearings? Is it more likely perhaps that he decided he wanted these people appointed and didn't care what congress thinks? (Refer to my previous blog about this imperial presidency.)

Please think seriously about what's going on with this presidency. Such congress and constitution end-runs are no small matter, especially since he isn't even giving congress a chance to do its job. Perhaps a president's oath of office doesn't matter to you or to the country? Perhaps The People's representatives are irrelevant as these actions suggest? Imperial presidency indeed!

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