Friday, January 6, 2012

More On The New Imperial Presidency

I'm adding the following reference as a post-script to my other blogs this week about the new imperial presidency.

In many circles I'd be called a loon for calling out this administration in this way but it's interesting to me that I find myself in good company (in my thinking process about this) with political analysts who have earned some respect I couldn't claim separate from validation like theirs.

It is important to us as a republic and even as a 'representative democracy' (which isn't a true discription of what was founded here) that we understand what's going on and how it IS relevant to freedom and representative government. This president is in the process of hijacking our RIGHT (per the constitution and founding principles) to representation in the federal government.

That President Obama thinks he can get away with such an audacious power grab is one thing. That he appears to be getting away with it and Democratic leadership is supporting it is alarming. This is not good for our country whether you are a Democrat or a Republican. After all, remember that with such precedence set a Republican president could just as effectively do an end-run around all Democrats' representatives. Maybe you Democrats out there are feeling okay with this but how would you feel about a Republican president doing whatever he wanted regardless what congress or the constitution wants him to do?

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