Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Want To Know The Date By Which Iran Will Be Nuclear Capable? January 20, 2013

January 20, 2013 is not only the date our president will be sworn in next year. It's the date by which you can bet Iran is planning(!) to have a nuclear weapon and the means to deliver it. Why? Because that's the date by which a Republican president, if elected, will stop taking any nonsense from Iran.

That means Iran will have a nuclear weapon test later this year to ensure they have a deliverable weapon by January 20, 2013 at which time a Republican, if elected, would take a stronger position on Iran's development of nuclear weapons. Unfortuately, all this blustering by Republican candidates about preventing Iran from having nuclear weapons is moot. By the time a Republican can be sworn in, Iran will, in all likelihood, already have deliverable nuclear weapons.

Iran having nuclear weapons is a scary thing to contemplate but an honest person has to acknowledge it's likely to happen because the current administration is unwilling to do what's necessary to prevent it. The appeasement approach they thought would work (which conservative America consistently said wouldn't work) ... as in 'be nice to them and they'll stop wanting us all dead' ... was destined to fail from the start. After all, Iran's leadership has repeatedly sworn their most important goal is to bring ruin to us and Israel because(!) it's Islam's destiny to rule the world. This is not just bluster from them. They believe it to their core and are 100% committed to it. Why so many Americans are unwilling to take them at their word on that is mind-boggling.

History has proven that denial and appeasement do NOT work with bullies either on the playground or on the international level. The only thing that gets a bully's attention is a poke in the eye. Bullies bluster and carry on. Allow them to continue and they'll just keep pushing the boundaries. Inevitably, as history tells us is true 100% of the time, someone must stand up to bullies or they win.

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