Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Sinking Of The Costa Concordia: A Metaphor For A Sinking West Or For Increasingly Spineless Men?

I was going to add comments of my own but after a few failed attempts I couldn't improve on what Mark Steyn said about the sinking of the Costa Concordia this week:

I'll only add a few questions for you to ponder. To what extent is Captain Schettino's ME FIRST attitude a metaphor for much of what's going on with men all around us today? What is happening to men's sense of responsibility? To what extent has abandon ship (re. responsibility, self-respect, honesty, morality, integrity, family, neighbors, community, etc) become a man's first, if not completely over-riding, impulse? How many of the men you know or know about do you respect? Can you in all honesty say you expect them to man up when a situation calls for it or will they all look around for someone else to do what's necessary? What has been the negative role of feminism, if any, in all this? To the extent family values have eroded significantly, what percentage of it lies at the feet of irresponsible men versus women? Why are there so many out of wedlock births and single mothers? Why are so many kids not completing their K-12 education? Why do so many kids shun technical fields in college?

Having given thought to the answers to those questions, how much better off would we be in those areas if American men had better and stronger values, principles, self-respect, integrity, and morals?

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