Sunday, September 25, 2011

Today's Gas Price Is GOOD News? Say What?

AP headline today: Upside of economic worries: Lower gas prices

Well, yeah ... BUT ...

Today the national average for regular gas is $3.51. Yes, it's coming down but THAT price is still not good news. Don't folks at the AP remember that the price of gas was $1.84 when Obama took office? Don't they care? Oh, wait! If they were to complain about the price of gas being nearly double what it was when he took office that would be a complaint about his policies. Can't do that! Gotta call it good news instead.

My Usual Question: what do you suppose the AP's headline would have been if Bush Jr were in office today and the price of gas had doubled in two plus years?

Another point for the AP. Don't you understand you're saying it's good news that Obama's economic policies haven't worked? Gas prices have gone down this year only because his economic policies haven't worked! In your obtuse way, you're admitting it has failed, huh? But talk about spin! Obama's economy is toast but we need to change the subject to point out some benefits of it. Benefits of an economy in trouble? Are you kidding me?

And can you imagine what the price of gas would have been under Obama's energy policies if his economic policies had worked and the price of gas had kept going up? Remember, it was $4 per gallon. So by now we'd have $5 per gallon at least. More likely $6 per gallon or higher.

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