Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Media Sympathetic Toward Obama? Naw, That Can't Be! After All, They're Non-Partisan, Right?

Awwwww. The president's going to have a bad day. A defensive and sympathetic media is lamenting the tough time that president Obama is having. Never mind that it's all a consequence of nonsense policies ... ie, of his own doing. Never mind that The Media claims journalistic integrity (as in unbiased reporting). Integrity is irrelevant when 'your man' and your agenda are having a bad day.

Could it be more obvious how 'in the tank' The Media is for this president? What do you suppose would be the headline and story if it were Bush Jr going through this? Bush had really bad treatment from The Media about his tax cuts and those worked ... did what he said they'd do!

The Obama apologists among The Media need to have a refresher course on what real journalism is. What journalistic principles, responsibilites and integrity are supposed to mean. So much for a truly free and independent press, eh?

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