Thursday, September 22, 2011

How Is That 'Making Nice-Nice With World Leaders Who Were Upset With Us' Working Out?

Progressive have long claimed that our 'aggressiveness' and exceptionalism are what has upset various countries and provoked potentional/actual enemies. Treating them with more respect and less hostility was supposed to make them like us better and have a greater desire to get along. How has that worked out President Obama?

Let's see. North Korea is more beligerent and defiant than ever. Both Israel and the Palestinians are now more angry with us than ever. I thought the Palestinians were supposed to be more accommodating with President Obama after he held out his hand to them and began being tough with Israel. Egypt is about to be run by the Muslim Brotherhood and they have opened their border to those who have been attacking Israel. And Iran? Check this out while remembering Ahmadinejad's words express similar feelings of Islamic nations that were upset with us before Obama became our president:

How's that more conciliatory approach working out? Need I remind you that the philosophy of conservatives has been all along that when you show weakness and/or a conciliatory attitude toward enemies and potential enemies they take advantage of you rather than cooperate more. That's the way bullies operate. Always have; always will. The playground gets more dangerous, not less. We are about to reap the rewards of 2 1/2 years of conciliatory behavior but those rewards are going to be the opposite of what was promised.

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