Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's Not Rocket Science. It's Simple Historical Economic Truth

First a point of reference:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44486266/ns/business-eye_on_the_economy/#.Tm9lGtRXuUJ

MSNBC lies again for one thing. About half-way down this article MSNBC says "Lawmakers face limits in fight to fix economy". "Lawmakers" DO have more tools to use; it's just that Democratic lawmakers have run out of progressive tools to try.

Question: have you noticed that Democrats, with The Media agreeing(!), are admitting: 1) they've tried everything they wanted ... everything they think works ... and 2) they haven't gotten the economy back on track? And what do they all make of that? If their ideas don't work then there's nothing left to try.

Say WHAT? What about something that was proven to work less than a decade ago?

Before I get into this I'd like to remind you that everything I've said for the past two years about the Democratic approach not working has now been proven to be true. Hmmmmm. Maybe, just maybe, we Tea Party types aren't quite the lunatics The Left has portrayed us to be? Remember that two years ago we established our movement on the foundation of lower spending, lower taxes and lower debt. Is there anything in that that you liberals out there would like to see happen right now? How crazy do our ideas look now? Do those concepts seem so crazy now? C'mon, honestly? Even most Democrats in congress want those things. They're finally figuring out that we were correct but they're sure reluctant to admit our approach is a good one!

Back to my theme.

Well, I've gotta give Democrats and their willing accomplices, The Media, credit for a logic of sorts. Based only on lies Democrats and The Media spread, one would think there's nothing that works. That is completely logical if you assume that Republicans' approach won't work and has never worked. Problem is, that assumption is a complete historical, factual lie.

Democrats have, indeed, tried everything in their toolbox with unacceptable results. A reasonably intelligent person must ask them, so how about trying ... I say, just trying ... things that Republicans say work? What, for crying out loud, do we have to lose now? Thing is, Republicans proved 8 years ago that their approach does in fact work. What would you rather go with? Something that Democrats have proven over the past 2 1/2 years does not work or something that historical fact proves does work? Okay, my progressive friends. I'm sorry to hurt your feelings but those things that were proven to work are Republican ideas. Maybe it's time to at least try them? Or is sticking mindlessly to your partisan beliefs more importantant to you than trying something the other party has proven works? Partisan politics or what's best for our country? Whar are your priorities?

You heard me describe the facts before. Immediately after Bush's biggest tax cuts (for the wealthy and all others, including small businesses) went into effect at the end of May 2003, both unemployment and federal revenue turned around. Immediately afterward folks! Unemployment decreased persistently to Clinton levels around 4.4%. Federal revenue increased dramatically, reaching a record level of $2.4 Trillion, 25% higher than anything Clinton achieved. These facts(!) prove tax cuts work! The logic is undeniable. Except progressives have made an art form out of denying and twisting history for their political purposes.

Yes, it's true that deficits kept going up after those tax cuts but that's not because of revenue problems. It's because Republicans didn't control their spending.

How would you like to see unemployment turn around and federal revenue increase substantially right now? Would that be a good thing or not? Forget The Media claims for a second. If facts show you that something else has worked recently based on the historical truth that it helped both unemployment and revenue, what's your problem with at least trying them? What if that worked ... again ... and we also decreased spending (which Republicans didn't do 8 years ago)? Do you think it would take long to get our debt under control? Of course not!!!

Under the circumstances, I think we Tea Party types have been pretty patient. We haven't been rioting over Democrats' failed policies. We simply keep pressing ours forward. We want a fiscally responsible government, plain and simple. If you liberals want that too, I encourage you to give an honest assessment of what we want to do and honestly ask yourselves, based on Dems results to date, are you ready to try something that's, in fact, been proven to work? Or are you okay sticking to your partisan beliefs while our economy goes completely off the rails? Party or what's best for our country. Your choice. Choose wisely!

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