Thursday, September 29, 2011

Remember The Liberal Rage Over Bush Era Cronyism And Special Interests?

Do you remember the liberal outrage toward the Bush administration over claims of cronyism and favors to special interests? As if liberals don't do such things? Check these out:

Does any of that pass the smell test any better than claims against Bush? More likely much worse?

Such extraordinary collusion, waste and borderline(?) corruption are beyond inappropriate any time but especially during tough economic times like these. C'mon people! $24 Million PER  PERMANENT JOB? And Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law benefitting from it? Didn't she also recently get a huge percentage of stimulus money for businesses in San Francisco?

And to top it off, all the employees at Solyndra are applying for retraining money! Wait a minute! All the employees at a prominent solar energy company think there's no employment future in solar energy and want American taxpayers to pay for retraining them now after bailing out their company with half a billion dollars? Those in that business(!) are giving up on green energy careers (and want us to pay for their change of careers!) and our government doesn't think that means anything important about the viability of basing our jobs growth on such industries?

Are you kidding me?  Have these people ... liberal politicians, company investors and company executives ... no conscience? Have they completely, collectively lost their minds? Good Grief! This is insane isn't it? And we're letting them get away with this nonsense? Maybe it's us who have completely lost our minds!

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