Friday, September 30, 2011

Anwar al-Awlaki: He Got As He Gave

Good news: Anwar al-Awlaki is dead. The world is a safer, saner place because of it.

This article laments that we dropped a bomb on an American citizen as if he has the rights with which he was born here.

That's irrational nonsense to me. This guy not only declared war on the United States, he was the leader in several efforts to bomb America. That makes him both a self-declared enemy of America and an actual enemy by his actions ... mass murderer of our citizens.

He declared war on us. As a result we have therefore been at war with him and his followers for years. HE voluntarily gave up his citizenship when he decided to do that to us. To fully understand what it means to be an enemy of the state, one only has to consider the oath sworn by naturalized citizens. Those born here have an implied, obligatory allegiance to the same oath. It represents a social/moral contract from you to the country and the country to you. Once you consciously, purposely break that oath (contract), you break whatever 'contract' of rights both ways between you and America.

Anyone who declares himself to be an enemy of America by his words or actions has unilaterally broken that contract and the only rights he has are as an enemy of the state, regardless of citizenship anywhere. al-Awlaki's declarations and actions amount to de-facto surrendering, if not actual renouncing his citizenship. What are we to do with that? Say to him, "sorry, we don't accept your renouncement!"? You must come to a State Department office and fill out some paperwork before you can give up your citizenship as if the most wanted terrorist in the world would do that. What kind of nonsense would that be? At the point of his de-facto citizenship renouncement, recording it in State Department records is nothing more nor less than a clerical action in response to a fact. WE haven't 'denied' him his citizenship! He surrendered it willingly and with purposeful presence of mind.

It is nonsense to say either he deserves or we owe him rights of a citizen after he broke contract with America and, by doing so, declared himself no longer to be a citizen. Legal-sounding logic(?) that attempts to twist something that's so common sense into a need or obligation(!) for misguided and irrational compassion or fairness makes no sense whatsoever. Sometimes we over-think things. This is plain and simple. It is NOT complicated folks!

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