Sunday, November 21, 2010

So, How's That 'Play Nice With People Who Hate Us And They'll Cooperate' Thing Working Out Mr. President?

Ck this out:

For some reason most of us on the 'right' never understood, President Obama always said he could change the attitudes of people around the world, especially those who want to do us harm, by showing them a different attitude toward them. How IS that working out sir?

This link is but one more example that demonstrates we're disliked for a lot of reasons he has no clue about. And those who want to do us harm want to do that simply because of who we are and what we stand for, not because of what we (or he!) says or does.

Freedom stands for things our enemies fundamentally and often irrationally hate us for. Acts of a free people are hated by them as is the success of a free people. Yes, we stand up to the bullies of the world. It's what free people do who 'get' freedom. Bullies do what bullies do when someone stands up to their shennanigans. They get even or try to and will NOT stop being bullies if we try to make nice with them. They ONLY see that as a sign of weakness and it ONLY emboldens them. Human nature keeps getting in the way of what sounds good on paper at Harvard and too many people in power don't and apparently never will understand that.

(Just like human nature leads those in power to want more power and control for its own sake rather than for the sake of what's best to sustain a truly free society. They become the kind of bullies ... to their own people ... that real freedom is incompatible with but that's a subject for another day.)

Before you go off on how we can be a bully sometimes remember this. We're not the ones killing others simply because of what they believe. We're not the ones keeping our citizens mercilessly in poverty, ignorance and under an iron and uncompassionate rule. Focus on this: if other countries that are trying to do us harm would stop their tyrannical ways and focus on taking care of their own people, they'd find us using more of our resources to help them than defend ourselves against them.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Profane responses, slander and unfounded and hateful judgments aren't terribly productive. The insults don't bother me ... just make me sad for someone that full of hate toward someone he/she doesn't even know. It's a terrible waste of energy and opportunity to have a useful discussion.