Friday, November 19, 2010

The Crooks and Thieves In Congress

Okay. So GM is about to pay back a big chunk of the stimulus money they got from The People. (It was OUR money after all.) So what do you think congress is going to do with it? Same thing they've done with all the other stimulus money they borrowed from us. Spend it!

Do you remember that, upon hearing loud protests from The People about various stimulus plans from them, the Democratic congress did two things. They:

  1. Made them loans rather than gifts to the financial companies, GM and all the others and
  2. PROMISED the American people that, when the loans were paid back they'd give ALL that money back to those from whom they got it (US!) via paying down the loans used to get the money in the first place?
Question for you: So, what has the Democratic congress done with ALL of that returned money so far? They do what our government(s) do when they get their hands on our money. They SPENT IT ON STUFF =>THEY<= WANT DONE. ALL OF IT! They've turned all that money into their own personal slush fund! It IS a slush fund because they don't have to create any legislation in order to spend it. In case it hasn't occurred to you, that's UNCONSTITUTIONAL! What does that make them?
  1. LIARS
  3. VIOLATORS OF THEIR OATH OF OFFICE (Violating, y'know, that pesky little document they swear to uphold and defend, the Constitution?)

So, America, don't you care that they've LITERALLY stolen TRILLIONS OF $s from us and, in the process, violated their oath of office? I do! It makes me angry! Because, guess what? That debt created by borrowing the stimulus money in the first place IS STILL THERE ... EVEN THOUGH NEARLY HALF OF IT HAS BEEN PAID BACK!!! Guess what else? Guess who's on the hook to pay off that debt they didn't pay down as promised? We The People! Unfortunately, I'm not the one who's on the hook to pay it back. My kids and their kids will have to.

Y'know what would happen if you or I did that with money from OUR employer? We'd go to jail because when an ordinary citizens does something like that it IS a crime.

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