Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The New Deal, EITHER Roosevelt's OR Obama's Version, IS A Raw Deal!

On another subject, this is what I've been saying for a couple of years:

'The Left' keeps preaching that progressivism works in spite of the fact that history proves it does not. History and facts seem to matter little to them ... 200 years of success under the constitution is an irrelevance and annoyance standing in the way of progressivism. The success of the constitution and the actual history about Roosevelt are inconveniences they cannot ignore so they revise the facts of both to suit and support their tired and failed philosophies.

Americans prefer not getting too involved in politics because they think that a government that is meant to be small and 'do' little should not need their involvement. Problem is, our government has gotten big and controlling over everything so we have no choice but to reign it in. The constitution IS relevant and it's what We (Most of) The People want governing us! It worked! So, LEAVE IT ALONE ALREADY! Doesn't the FACT that government screws up pretty much everything it touches tell us anything? (Check out the blog two entries down.) HELLO?

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