Sunday, November 7, 2010

Independents: Conundrum and Contradiction

I don't get "Independent" as a political force, thinking or party. They always say they're independent thinkers, preferring to function freely and highly value their independence. So, why would such a party put Obama and the Obama agenda (ie, progressivism) in power by their vote in the previous two elections? Just look at what that wrought.

Are we more or less controlled by government? Are we about to be more or less taxed by government? Will independents fundamentally have more or less freedom to practice what they preach under progressives' rule? Considering how the election went this time, I think it's pretty obvious they decided they were wrong.

Only two years after leading the progressive overthrow of our government, independents now have credit for 'tossing the bums out'. It leads me to wonder what were they thinking in the first place?

Progressives told us exactly what they intended to do if we put them in power in the 2008 elections. Weren't independents paying attention? Or maybe they aren't nearly as independent as they like to think. They fell for the progressive nonsense hook, line and sinker. How independent IS that? The answer of course is, not very. Maybe they're not as smart and above-it-all as they'd like us to think?

To independents everywhere to whom all political analysts have given credit for the progressive takeover of 2008: thanks a lot! Those who you elected then have done a lot of harm to our country and to the spirit that you claim to embrace. At least you tried to correct your error this time around.

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