Friday, November 12, 2010

The President Gets Some Lessons On Becoming Dependent On Others; Will The Consequences Finally Register Before It's Too Late?

So, president Obama goes overseas, hat in hand, and gets rebuffed when he asks for help on his terms.

He's getting a lesson on the consequences of becoming economically (and otherwise) dependent on and beholding to others but the question is, will he 'get' it before it's too late for Americans ... if it's not already?

When you allow yourself to become economically dependent on others, you give them power over you. In the hands of a benevolent person, that doesn't have to be a bad thing. In the hands of someone who wants to 'remake' your life, it's a bad thing. Let's examine whether there's an analogy here worth discussing and learning from that could help us in our current and potential future dilemmas.

We conservatives really, REALLY hate becoming dependent on the federal government. For that matter, we strive really hard not to become dependent on ANYONE else. To us, it's a matter of an important principle. In fact, it's one which our founders believed was key to establishing and maintaining freedom. We understand history ... our history. We think it matters.

A tyrannical government held us in contempt and practiced arbitrary rule over us. We revolted and became the great nation we are today. The flaws that can result in becoming powerful are a fact for discussion another day. But becoming the opposite ... ie, subservient to others ... has consequences too ... consequences that we'll have no control over and which have the potential to RE-enslave us economically and otherwise.

Democrats, especially progressives, try to create a fear of us 'returning to tired old Republican ideas that got us into this difficulty or which never worked'. What too many people don't appear to understand is that progressives want to return us to an even older and truly insideous form of government that controls everything. We've been there people! It's why our ancestors fought and died to stop it over 200 years ago. We STARTED with the kind of government progressives want but what they want is that kind of government on steroids! They're counting on us not remembering what that was like. In fact, they've been working hard to remove that rememberance from the teaching of our history in public schools and replace it with the progressive view of benevolent governments being best for a people. It's nonsense! Not only is it a lie that it's good for us, it's been proven time and again throughout(!) history not to work!

President Obama and progressives in general strive to make us Americans dependent on them through various means of 'taking care of us'. That kind of paternalism is seductive to those who don't like the hard work of taking care of one's self and being responsible so they tend to want it. Many others, while not liking the consequences, allow it to happen because it appears to ease the troubles of life.

Look what our own government has done in the past two years. They passed legislation that most of us have said multiple times we don't want but they did it anyway because they think it's their job to take care of us. It WILL make us more dependent on and subservient to them. We'll accept their money, welfare and 'benefits' and, in return, they'll tell us how to live or not live our lives. Gone will be the incentive to succeed on one's own merit. That dependency on the federal government will literally enslave us.

Problem is, those very actions by our federal government will, in turn, enslave America to other country's whims and desires. There IS a legitimate analogy in this. In order to enslave us to federal welfare, they have to borrow extraordinary amounts of money from other countries and now that they've max'd out their credit with other countries, they're in the process of devaluing our GDP through the printing of tons of money. That IS enslaving us to welfare, to inflation and to control by others. SADLY, THIS UNFORTUNATE STATE OF AFFAIRS WAS COMPLETELY PREDICTED! And now that people are beginning to realize the folly of their utopian choices in the previous two elections, they're in the process of trying to correct it. Unfortunately many of the horses have escaped before we'll be able to get the barn door closed.

Obama and his fellow progressives WANT to enslave us to their 'protection' but they don't understand that what they're doing will do the same thing on a world scale. It will in turn enslave us to other countries to exactly the same ends and for exactly the same reasons.

Other countries want us weaker, just as progressive do. Other countries are no doubt enjoying having us become dependent on them for a change. Some for very nefarious reasons that could lead to our demise in fact. Obama and progressives do not understand the danger in what they're doing. They do not understand what economic dependency (slavery) does to people and countries. Their theories based on the unrealistic assumption of benevolence by government only work in a classroom but this is NOT a classroom experiment here. This is how REAL life works. They're in the process of destroying our economy and currency. Other countries WILL take advantage of that because, for the first time in our country's history(!), they have power over us. The enslavement in other ways that WILL follow is pretty unpleasant to contemplate.

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