Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tell Me Again, Which President's Economic Policies Actually Worked?

By this time after the biggest part of Bush's economic (tax) policies went into effect (ie, on May 28, 2003) the unemployment rate had decreased to Clinton levels(!) of 4.4% which, in turn, produced federal revenue that was a record $2.4 Trillion (in fact, 25% higher than Clinton ever achieved).

Undeterred by facts, liberals (especially progressives) still claim that Bush's tax policies did not work but Obama's policies have worked even though unemployment is still stuck at 9% (with commensurately lower federal revenue), over twice as high as what Bush achieved!!! I completely don't understand how that's rational.

To liberals I say, argue what you will philosophically about whether you think tax cuts help the economy but please recognize that if you claim Bush's tax cuts didn't help, you do so in total denial and contradiction of actual historical facts.

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