Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It's No Wonder Democrats Are Objecting To Opposition. They're Used To Getting Their Way!

Democrats are blaming Republicans for vigorous opposition to compromise the way Democrats want. What they fail to recognize much less acknowledge is that they've pretty much gotten their way on important domestic program issues the past century. Now that they're finally receiving strong resistance to their progressive agenda they're whining about not getting their way for a change. Consider these points:
  • Our country is going bankrupt because of the ridiculous cost of social programs that Democrats created by running over Republican opposition.
  •  The Sub-Prime Mortgage entitlement that was the primary cause of the current recession was created and mismanaged by Democrats.
  • Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid that are about to bankrupt our country were all created and mismanaged by Democrats.
  • There was Republican opposition to all of the above programs and there were reform attempts by Republicans but Democrats steamrolled right over that.
  • It is the SPENDING on all the above TOTALLY PROGRESSIVE PROGRAMS that's causing our problems. Even in the bad economy we have today federal revenue is HIGHER than it was when Bush took office! Revenue and taxes are NOT the main problem! HELLO!
  • Republicans HAVE compromised on tax/spending issues many times in the past and what happened? Democrats gleefully took the tax increase concessions yielded by Republicans but ALWAYS(!) refused to honor their promises of lower spending in return. Democrats ALWAYS got what Republicans compromised on. Republicans NEVER got what Democrats promised in return.
  • You think Republicans have had equal opportunity to fight off that progressive social legislation that we clearly can't afford? Think again. Democrats have held a veto proof majority in one or both houses of congress nearly half of my 60 years while Republicans have had that ZERO times in either house! Just how much opportunity have Republicans had to get their way really? Which is the ONE PARTY that has actually had enough power/control to reign in these programs and avoid our current problems including this recession?
Okay, now Republicans are standing firm in their insistence on spending cuts FIRST! Why in the face of all the above history is anyone surprised? Democrats have directly caused this Republican intransigence by never holding up their end of compromises on social program spending vs revenue.

It is PROVEN FACT that no amount of tax increases on the rich will fix this problem we have (out of control spending and $15 Trillion debt) yet Democrats keep insisting on it. Therefore, what they're insisting on isn't even logical, much less rational!!!

All respected economists agree that our biggest problem is spending. Rational people ought to attack that first and as aggressively as possible but Democrats refuse to do so unless they get a tax increase. They're so used to always getting tax increases that they seem to think it's their God-given right even though it makes no sense as a fix for our problems. Republicans are supposed to trust them that if Republicans give Democrats their desired tax increase, Republicans can count on support for spending cuts? Based on what historical evidence that they have any desire to honor their promises?

Democrats insist on tax increases even though historical facts show that Bush's tax cuts resulted in the immediate improvement of both employment and federal revenue. (See my many previous blogs for proof of this ... if you're interested in truth rather than propoganda.)

Democratic leadership also insists on no entitlement cuts. That's literally insane because EVERYONE agrees entitlement spending is what's going to bankrupt us AND that higher taxes on income of the rich will hardly put a dent in the problem. Why nearly half the country think that the Democratic position and history in such matters are just fine is a total mystery to me.

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