Friday, November 25, 2011

The Absolute Absurdity Of Democrat Claims About Republicans' Willingness To Reduce The Debt

First, please read this:

So, President Obama IGNORES conciliatory agreements by Republicans on reducing the debt, even those by his own commission created to find solutions, and then blames Republicans for things they did NOT do.

The article above provides sufficient PROOF that Republicans are NOT opposed to tax changes that reduce the debt. In fact, it's Democrats who oppose such changes, especially Obama. The tax changes they support such as repeal of Bush's tax cuts and taxing the rich more would barely put a dent in our debt problem but claiming the untrue opposite is a populist message that buys them votes. (Which goes to show how shallow-thinking we Americans have become.) Republicans oppose such changes largely because they won't really fix our problem. They're changes that are nothing more than window dressing on a problem Democrats not only created but are choosing(!) to ignore. Talking about Republicans in such ways is a useful distraction from discussing the changes that are actually needed but are too painful for Democrats politically. After all, attacking Republicans is more fun than attacking the root causes of our problems.

It IS true that Republicans are most focused on reducing spending but that does NOT mean they're opposed to tax changes that substantially reduce the debt. Democrats are focused on tax changes that sound good as partisan political talking points but which do very little to control our debt and, arguably, will likely make it worse. As the above article points out, it is entitlements that are driving our debt the most and will crater our economy SOON if we don't rein in such spending. Even Obama TALKS about entitlement spending as THE problem but he's unwilling to support changes that FIX the problem. Talk is cheap but it apparently buys votes.

One has to wonder why he and most Democrats in congress do that? The answer is very, very simple. ALL THE BIG ENTITLEMENTS AT THE ROOT OF OUR PROBLEM (INCLUDING THIS RECESSION!) WERE CREATED AND MISMANAGED BY DEMOCRATS. Therefore, they are fundamental to keeping Democrats in office. (See the details in my November 22, 2011 blog.) The Democrat agenda is heavily rooted in entitlements for too many people who are unwilling to take responsibility for their own lives. The growth of entitlements is what keeps Democrats elected. That they're willing to trade the economic security of our country for votes ought to disgust us all.

Big and BIGGER government is not the answer. A healthy capitalistic (ie, FREE!) economy IS. More private sector jobs, smaller government and much smaller entitlements will stop sapping the financial life out of our economy and return it to a healthy condition that can support sensible entitlements.

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