Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Quackery Of The Progressive Approach To Economics and The Economy

This link describes Progressives' nutty if not completely nonsensical approach to economics very well.

So now we have three years (five years if we include the first two during which Democrats controlled congress) of actual results on which to base an assessment of where the Progressive Socialist agenda leads ... invariably so if you study the history of progressivism and socialism.

The choice between capitalism and progressive socialism couldn't be clearer, nor could the consequences of each choice. Can anyone rationally and with a straight face claim that three years of Obama's Progressive 'solutions' leaves us better off than we were three years after Bush's 2003 biggest tax cuts (ie, record high revenue and very low unemployment)?

All the government programs (ALL are entitlements) that caused this recession and are about to bankrupt our country are Democrat creations: Sub-Prime Mortgages (root cause of the recession), Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. And don't get me going on the results of 30 years of Democratic control of our education system. Democrats created and mismanaged them ALL. And they claim that all our economic problems were caused by Republicans! Are they totally insane?

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