Monday, August 15, 2011

The Truth About Entitlement Reform And Lies About Real Reform

Check this out:

Two things worthy of noting. First, President Obama's own statement that no amount of tax increases will fix the problem. So, why aren't reforms and spending reductions getting more attention by Democrats?

Second, Democrats only talk about entitlement reform that actually reduces cost. And they only do that most reluctantly. Republicans have been presenting real reform in such legislation as the Ryan budget proposed earlier this year. Of course Democrats always vote against it.

By the way, one entitlement reform that is never mentioned is the sub-prime mortgage mess. The 'wall street' aspect of this was 'fixed' by the Dodd-Frank bill but serious economists have torn it apart as not only ineffective but counter-productive. 2,400 pages of nonsense basically. But the 'mortgage mess' resulting from Democrats' sub-prime mortgage gluttony is still out there helping to drag our economy down. (Yes, a government-backed mortgage given to people who can't afford and who think they 'deserve' it is the very definition of 'entitlement'.)

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