Saturday, August 13, 2011

C'Mon Folks! The Rioters' Own Actions In England Prove It Has Nothing To Do With 'The Rich' OR Cuts In Welfare

All you have to do to understand where the England rioters are coming from is watch their actions. What matters in things like this is what people DO, not what they SAY.

If they're upset, as most of them say, at 'the rich' then why are they going after middle class small businesses rather than the truly rich? Few of those small business owners whose lives the rioters are ruining are among the rich against whom the rioters rail. Those small business owners and their ancestors built their businesses the honest way. Hard work and personal sacrifice. Young people ought to have as a goal, letting their skills and hard work make a better life for themselves rather than living off the largess of taxpayers.

The rioters completely don't understand or, more likely, don't care(!) who created the debt and welfare problems. It was those in government who created unsustainable programs and who spent themselves senselessly into national debt. Members of Parliament did this, not ANY small business owner whose livelihood they are destroying.

Above all, one only has to watch videos of what they're doing to understand it's anarchy at work among the rioters, not protesting or making a point. Protesting and fighting the police is one thing (a more accurately delivered message) but what does breaking into small businesses and stealing the owners' inventory have to do with telling the government or the truly rich that they're mad at them?

The rioters are clearly using Britain's economic problems as an excuse to behave badly and fulfill their desire to have big screen TV's without having to work for them like responsible adults do. If they actually worked for all that 'stuff' and, by that, contribute to Britain's economy in a positive way like mature, responsible adults, the country would be better off. Trying to destroy the middle class's ability to contribute to the national economy is counterproductive to making things better because it's ONLY a successful middle class that can produce the welfare they desire more of.

Stupid, senseless, immature, irresponsible, and completely ignorant behavior. Anarchy doesn't work to make things better. Never has. Never will. Anarchy does the opposite of what the rioters claim they want to achieve. Their actions are in direct opposition to correcting what they claim is wrong with the country. They're not attacking the people who created the problem. They're attacking the ONLY people who make things better, without whom Parliament can't fix anything wrong with their economy.

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