Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Building On Previous Blog ... What Do Obama's Move And Nods Toward The Center Tell Us About Progressivism?

Did anyone notice that Obama dropped his appeal for more spending to fix our economic woes? Don't you remember that the budget he sent to congress about three months ago failed to get a single democratic vote because, in it he wanted to double down on spending that he'd been doing for 2+ years?

Did you notice he's now talking actual spending cuts as if he knew and had been promoting that all along when in fact (and until barely more than a month ago) he had been pushing hard not for a little more spending but a lot more spending?

So, he got elected running as a far-left progressive and he's moving to the center on government spending as time for his second term approaches. Why is he doing that? He has been, if nothing else, a very partisan progressive to the core all his life. He's no doubt doing it to save his presidency, not because he believes it'll help the economy. And it's what progressive presidents do. Check this out:

Why do strongly progressive presidents run toward the center just before their second term? Because they've just spent the better part of their first term proving once again(!) that progressive economic policies don't make for a healthy economy and they most certainly don't fix one that's ailing. How many times do we need to see the same results before we understand it doesn't work no matter how charismatic and 'smart' the president is?

"We are the ones we have been waiting for!"? Are you kidding me? How's that working out?

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