Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In The Federal Debt/Spending Debate/Legislation Democrats Are The Reasonable Ones, Not Republicans. Republicans Are Bad For Not Compromising. Huh?

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in some kind of alternate universe. Democrats and The Media keep complaining about Republicans' intransigence in the recent debt/spending debate/legislation. They're all saying Obama and congressional Democrats practically live to compromise and Republicans are crazy for saying no.

Look back just 2 1/2 years ago when Democrats took control of congress and the White House. Then, ALL Democratic leaders SAID(!), "we won so we get to do it our way". And they proceeded to do exactly that! Do you remember that's EXACTLY what they did in closed meetings without involving Republicans AT ALL? Do you remember President Obama told Tea Party people to "sit down and be quiet"? Do you remember that Democratic compromise was so completely absent that stimulus programs and the health care legislation got zero Republican votes? Republicans were completely shut out of debates and the drafting of some of the most important legislation in memory. Where were the great Democratic compromisers then?

For all of 2009 and 2010, congressional Republicans were allowed almost no voice in legislation, some of it very important to our future.

Now Democrats are receiving resistance to their juggernaut and Republicans are the uncompromising ones? Good grief people! Maybe they should consider that old adage, 'what goes around comes around', stop whining and just do their job in support of ALL the people for a change rather than just the progressive agenda.

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