Saturday, August 20, 2011

Becoming Educated (And, Therefore, Making A Decent Life For You And Your Family) Is A CHOICE!

American kids have three options regarding their high school education:
  1. Not take their education seriously and basically refuse to do the work teachers assign and refuse to attend class.
  2. Be willing to do the work required by teachers and 'get by' with mostly C's and a few B's.
  3. Take personal responsibility to do homework/assignments, learn and become educated.
The best part about choice #3 is that it is 100% free! 'All' it requires is one's personal commitment to do it to the best of one's ability.

These are ALL PERSONAL CHOICES people! Not choices by the parents, teachers, taxpayers, elected officials, or others but PERSONAL CHOICES by the kids themselves. No one can 'make' a child educated if he/she doesn't want to be or isn't at least willing to be. Society cannot GIVE an education to someone who refuses to invest personal effort into it. Only personal commitment to study and learn will accomplish it.

The best teacher in the world can't get his/her students to learn if the kids don't want to learn. Being willing to learn is better. Taking personal responsibility to become as highly educated as possible is best.

What's more, a strong personal commitment to become better educated WILL overcome nearly all of the obstacles and circumstances used by progressives as excuses why poor kids fail in school. Personal commitment WILL overcome poor teachers, old falling apart textbooks, poor parents, hostile peer influence, and family poverty. And it can even overcome learning disabilities (see previous blog).

Those who cannot for whatever reason handle the challenges of public school can at least achieve a GED education. Personal commitment to a GED can overcome even ADD, ADHD and dyslexia. It's been proven time and again. I have personal experience that verifies that's true.

We must put less effort into 'support systems' and teachers unions and put more effort into real accountability on the part of the students themselves. That begins at home by the way. That includes responsibilities (at home and at school), boundaries, rules, consequences, and honestly tough love. We must love our kids enough to do what they need in life, not what they (or progressives) want.

We've tried the progressive approach for 30 years since they created the federal department of education and our education system has stagnated since that very day. Isn't the fact that our kids' test scores have gone from best to worst among developed nations in math and science sufficient proof it hasn't worked? Aren't 30 years of experimenting and utter failure enough to prove we need to reboot our educational system along the lines of kids' personal responsibility? Although, maybe because we no longer exel at math, such reasoning and logic and analysis are now just too difficult to comprehend?

So, stop with the excuses already. The kids and their future family, their parents, their community, and our country will be better off if the kids simply make the responsible choice to become educated. We need to stop giving these kids, their parents and 'the system' excuses for kids' failure. By doing so, we're actually setting them up for the very failure the more progressive among us claim they're trying to prevent. How responsible is that?

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