Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Republicans: The Only Grownups In The Room On Capitol Hill

House Republicans passed a budget bill. Yeah, it was passed only on party lines so one can criticize Republicans for being partisan in their approach to it. Don't you wonder why House Democrats didn't propose a budget? How DARE they just sit back and criticize the Republican proposal and not present one of their own! Don't they think this debt problem is serious enough to deserve getting their collective heads in the game? They didn't even submit a budget when they were in control of the House last year and could have passed anything THEY wanted. Americans deserve better. How UNserious can one get? We need Democrats to get in the ring and do the hard work of reducing the budget deficit.

Then there's the senate. Democrats have been in control there for 5 years. When was the last time Democrats.submitted a budget? Over two years ago! I'll ask the same question of them. Isn't this debt problem that they were at least as complicit in creating serious enough for them to at least TRY doing something about? How many budgets have been submitted by Republicans in the senate? At least three which Reid will finally bring to the floor for a vote soon. Senate GOP 3, Senate Dems 0 ... on budgets submitted.

Which party is trying to be serious about reducing the budget deficit? Only ONE party is trying to do something about it. And the other party is just sitting back and criticizing the work of the other. How is that acceptable to ANY American, Republican OR Democrat? Are Dems simply willing to let our country's economy go down the toilet just so they have something to run on for the next election? (ie, "Republicans want to kill grandma.")

Criticize Republican proposals for their content if you want but Dems can be part of the solution or part of the problem. It couldn't be clearer which they've chosen.

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