Friday, May 6, 2011

An Example Why Politics Makes Most People Nauseous

Consider the subject title and, with that in mind, read what's in this link:

So many broken promises (I will ... ad nauseam) and so many less-than-honest claims (I did this and that ... ad nauseam) while totally ignoring the more important contributions of others. Remember that Senator Obama said he'd be different? He'd not do all the evil things that Bush did and he'd fix all our problems with a mere wave of his I-can-multi-task hand, one-hand-tied-behind-his-back fashion? After all, running the country is mere child's play for someone so exceptional. What a difference two years makes, eh?

Isn't it fair to say that humility is not one of President Obama's strong points? Have we ever seen a president so high on himself accomplish, by comparison, so little of what he said he'd do? I can't think of any. George Bush is an easy but dishonest pick so don't bore me by going there. If you think about it, he pretty much did everything he said he'd do. With mostly bipartisan support at the time by the way. Maybe you don't like the results but he didn't campaign on one thing and then do it not at all or 180 degrees differently. That includes his 'campaign' for waging war on terrorists and terrorism.

History may not like what Bush did but he did it with integrity and the support of most of the country at the time. Would you rather have a president who says what he's going to do and actually does it with support of most Americans or one who promises so much and does the polar opposite or at best very little? Which is more trustworthy  and honest? Can you say with a straight face that you think Obama has done a good, even mediocre job of accomplishing what he said he'd do? Okay, he outlawed water-boarding and passed health care reform. What else? His list of promises was loooooong. Surely you can come up with many accomplishments he promised to complete. How about cutting the annual budget deficit in half by the end of his first term? Instead it has only gotten bigger every year, now at $1.4+ Trillion. Hmmmm. Isn't it fair to say he was, at a minimum, extraordinarily naive on nearly all his promises and claims?

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad he isn't doing most of what he said he'd do about Gitmo, rendition, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Patriot Act, and others. The country IS safer and more capable national-security-wise for his not having done those things.

Bush rebuilt our military, intelligence and national security foundation that Clinton decimated in order to balance the federal budget. If you're wondering why Bush increased the debt, look no further than the cost of rebuilding what Clinton tore down. It's ironic that Bush gets (negative) credit for the cost of rebuilding what Clinton methodically decimated. Clinton gets credit for balancing the budget, never mind its cost was our nation's lack of preparedness for what became necessary on/after 9/11. If you don't like that our intelligence services didn't get the right information on Saddam, consider that the inadequacies of the intelligence service Bush had at his disposal on 9/11 was inherited from Clinton. A president cannot just re-materialize effective intelligence and national security services out of thin air overnight. It takes years of methodical work. Work that contributed mightily to the killing of enemy number one this week. While you're at it, remember that Clinton also made it a national priority to get Osama AND oust Saddam (by formal executive decree!) long before Bush was in office.

I do not recall a president who did so little of what he promised use the first person pronoun to such an extent. In fact, I do not recall a president using the first person pronoun so much regardless of accomplishments. Humility is most certainly not one of his strong points. Good Leaders 101 says to give the credit to others especially when you're standing on their shoulders to be able to complete what you did. I'd say they must not teach that at Harvard but Bush graduated there and he practiced that. I guess Obama slept in or skipped class during those lectures.

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