Saturday, May 21, 2011

Boneheaded Diplomacy

Check this out:

Even the Obama-idolizing media can't avoid describing the obvious: President Obama blew it with Israel by way of his demand (BEFORE hoped-for peace talks, therefore poisoning them in advance!!!) for a return to the 1967 borders. Making it a topic for discussion AT peace talks is one thing. Making it a pre-condition, in bullying fashion as he did, is another altogether.

Anyone who has a clue about international relations understands why Israel has a problem with that which means that making it a pre-condition to peace talks is a huge, HUGE diplomatic blunder. Of course the media won't word it that way but that's what it is.

That President Obama has so little understanding of Israel's difficulty with the 1967 borders that he had the audacity to think they'd take his public(!) demand well says something very disturbing to me about his skills on the international level. It affirms something (not good for a president) about his ego and bullying nature too.

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