Saturday, May 7, 2011

Did You Notice: Unemployment Rate Is Back Up To 9.0

The economy isn't by any means in a solid recovery mode yet. A steadily declining unemployment rate would be a welcome thing.

BTW, did you notice how the media handled this news? "The unemployment rate rose to 9.0 but it's still 0.8 below November's rate." That's a fair way to put it of course but can you envision the headline if it were a 'Bush recovery' we're going through? Something like "The unemployment rate is back up to 9.0 ... are we in a recovery or not? When are we going to get to the 8.0 rate he promised we'd have by the end of 2009?"

I know. This recession IS harder to defeat than Senator Obama thought it would be. But doesn't this prove how naive he was at the time? (Remember how he and his supporters vehemently denied the claim that he was inexperienced and naive?) Doesn't this prove how little he understood the problem, much less what it would take to fix it? Time has proven him to have been pretty naive and unrealistically optomistic about nearly everything he promised he'd fix within a year. We elected him on the basis of how smart and capable he said he was, right? So, why is this all okay ... no big deal?

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