Friday, May 20, 2011

Ooooooo! Someone's Not Happy!

(Picture from Reuters)

This past week, just prior to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit here, President Obama went public with a demand(!) that Israel must accept going back to the 1967 borders as a pre-condition to peace talks. That's such a bad, BAD move diplomatically!!! You don't poison peace talks by publicly(!) laying down demands before discussions with Netanyahu even begin. It's sooooo inconsistent with standard international peace diplomacy practices. Diplomats never, ever want to do things like that publicly before discussions begin. You don't poison peace talks where concessions may be needed in advance of the discussions. You also shouldn't disrespect a country's leader that way. Obama's public demands were bad in so many ways.

So, then, Obama and Netanyahu held a press conference after their meeting today and Netanyahu was in the process of telling Obama that Israel WILL NOT accept going back to the 1967 borders, period. That's when the picture above was taken. I don't think Obama is too happy about a major international leader telling him no, especially in a public way. Does Obama look happy to you? I don't think so! Well, I have to say you asked for it Mr. President. You should have saved your demands for PRIVATE discussions instead of disrespecting his right to decide what's best for his country and have the opportunity to negotiate fairly in private.

President Obama acts like a bully many times and this was the act of a bully. Going on national TV to demand that of Netanyahu was the equivalent of attacking him when his hands are tied and he doesn't have the opportunity to defend himself. He's done that here at home in various situations too. I wish he wouldn't. It's inappropriate and unbecoming of a US President.

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