Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Public Employee Collective Bargaining An Impossibility

Many VERY prominent politicians, sociologists and political science experts have labelled public union collective bargaining flat inappropriate, impractical and/or impossible. It has been judged so by some of the most progressive liberals in the history of our country including FDR, Truman and the very revered AFL/CIO Union leader of the past, George Meany! Check it out:

It IS impossible for public employees to bargain with their employers, The People. If that weren't an issue there's still something irrational about unionizing public employees. The PURPOSE of government in a republic is to provide essential non-commercial services to ensure the safety, security and freedom of The People and to ensure free and fair commerce. That government is chartered by constitutions (ie, CONTRACTS!) to work FOR The People, not unions. Theirs are serious responsibilities and the existence of unions in government TAKES control of those serious responsibilities out of the hands of those for whom it supposedly works; indeed out of the hands of those who CREATED THE CONTRACTS (ie, constitutions).

We The People elect men and women to represent us in running the government but unions, by their nature, steal/usurp power from The People. Unions, by their nature, make a strong effort to make our representatives do what they want, often in serious and potentially disasterous opposition to what's actually best for The People. They are in a position to demand and secure advantages to themselves that The People wouldn't support if they knew what was really going on. These unions can AND DO force our representatives to spend limited resources lavishly on them with no transparency or real oversight by their real employers, the American people.

In fact, our representatives DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY to give control which The People 'own' over to unions. In theory, such unions can shut down The People's government and The People can be near powerless to stop them. Or, if they can be stopped, it comes at a big price. Air Traffic Controllers' strike for example. Managing our country's airspace is serious business. Without such management, our airspace is shut down. Major areas of commerce itself come to a complete halt, nationally and internationally. Firing them all when he did was a no-brainer for Reagan. Those air traffic controllers DID something useful, however. They proved, as FDR said, that public employees should NOT be unionized because public employee unions indeed(!) have the capability to bring the nation to its knees. And, by doing so, proved the inappropriateness of such unions.

As if you needed more proof of how unionizing public employees BEGS disaster, public employee unions are now on course to bankrupt most states. Public employee unions have accumulated enough power already that's sufficient to fight the will of their real employers, The People, with regards to fiscal soundness.

I am SO shocked to find out what lavish compensation and even MORE lavish retirement benefits have been secured by public employee unions with NO TRANSPARENCY! By what principle or document in the founding of our country CAN our government have justified and done such potentially destructive things IN SECRET FROM THE PEOPLE FOR WHOM THEY WORK?

Now these unionized government employees are telling us that the collective bargaining that they secured is a RIGHT! Huh? It is not a right. Given to government workers it is stictly a freely-given privilege, period. A privilege that the employer has full authority, indeed responsibility, to withdraw if it's abused. Even though collective bargaining is CONTRARY to appropriate governance in a republic (check FDR, Truman and Meany for example), it was granted in many areas of government anyway with the assumption that those unions would not abuse the power accompanying it. Did they use that power with the care and responsibility that was expected and appropriate? Certainly not! They used that power to bring our country's air traffic to a halt (a serious national security issue) and now they're in the process of bankrupting most states while they lavish ridiculous pay and benefits (especially in retirement) on themselves. I call that an irresponsible abuse of power AND an abuse of the freely granted(!) PRIVILEGE of collective bargaining.

This well-intended EXPERIMENT in public employee unions has proved only one thing: how inappropriate unions are in a republic's government as FDR, Truman and even Meany said they are. Hello?!?!

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