Monday, March 21, 2011

The "Can't We All Just Get Along?" Approach Doesn't Seem To Be Working Does It?

Check this out:

To anyone who actually pays attention to history, this should come as no surprise. In the absence of strong and courageous leadership based on positive values, countries' leaders bent on becoming powerful for power sake or who simply want to defy paper tigers (for political/monetary gain or for their own amusement) will posture and bicker 'til the cows come home'. All an attitude of capitulation and getting along achieves are divisive attitudes and fractious international relationships. Despots won't respect us; they'll take advantage of us.

In full campaign mode a couple of years ago, Obama stood before Europeans and self-righteously announced that "We are the ones we have been waiting for!". Of course it was 'only' "progressive-speak". Problem is, it was spoken by the singular most powerful man on the planet, the president of the United States. Anyone with a decent sense of history said at the time it's about the nuttiest thing anyone of prominence could say.

And it's flat dangerous to the extent it results in spineless and unilateral authority-yielding policies. (Which it has in fact done!) Students of history KNOW that despots, crackpots and actual or wannabe dictators WILL start causing trouble when you unilaterally try to play nice with them. It's because they know 'communities of countries' won't be able to get along well enough for long enough to agree on anything of much use.

So much for 'community organizing' at the international level! This belief by leaders of the progressive persuasion that a strong country can make others get along with it simply by being nice, cooperating and falling on its historical sword is utter nonsense. There's real evil in the world and pretending it'll evaporate and bullies will play nice simply because you decide to relinquish strong and decisive leadership is irrational for several reasons and on several levels. It never works on the playground, either in elementary school or on the international scene. If nothing else, thousands of years of human history attest to the inevitability(!) of turmoil because of it.

This 'can't we all get along' attitude must sound great in institutions of 'higher learning'. However, all it shows us is that they haven't really learned any real 'higher' truth. It's nothing more nor less than pie in the sky unrealistic nonsense. Bullies, despots and dictators WILL ALWAYS do what bullies, despots and dictators have done all throughout history. Give them an inch and they'll make you rue the day you did it. They just will!

In the process, America comes off looking stupid, spineless and weak-willed. The downside is huge. Yes, wealth and power will be redistributed. We'll ALL be EQUALLY less safe, less secure and less prosperous.

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