Friday, March 25, 2011

Not Turning Over The Responsibilities After All ... Told You So

Remember that Obama promised we'd have a limited role in Libya and would turn over the military operations "in days, not weeks" with other NATO, UN and Arab countries taking over the military operations at that time? Well, check out the latest development:

Even though Obama and Clinton promised we'd have a limited and temporary role, no other country is willing to do the heavy lifting. It's what the UN and NATO members always do. Why Obama and Clinton didn't see this coming is a mystery to me. I thought they were smarter than this.

In fact, anyone paying attention to history could see this coming. The UN and NATO always do this. They announce something must be done and pass resolutions to that effect and then member nations refuse to take any significant responsibility for the heavy lifting. They bicker and whine and all we get from them are excuses why they won't help. Even I saw this coming before NATO's announcement today that they weren't going to take it over after all. (Last paragraph of previous blog.)

That our country's leadership kept saying this past week that our role would be limited means one of two things. Either they're ignorant of this history of spinelessness and political nonsense in the UN and NATO or they do know which means they were being less than honest with us in their promises that we'd be out of the military operations "in days".

How is that progressive "be nice with other countries and they'll be more supportive and cooperative" thing working out?

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