Thursday, March 10, 2011

Crying For The Wrong Thing?

So, Minnesota Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim congressman, was giving an emotional testimony today. Voice cracking, nearly crying we hear.

Was he crying over the turmoil within Islam whereby extremists routinely kill each other ... by the thousands? Nope. Was he crying over the fact that his religion is being subverted to justify the wanton killing of thousands of innocent people around the world? Nope. Was he crying over people in his own religion using Islam to justify the slaugher of Ellison's OWN fellow citizens? Nope. Was he crying over innocent American women and children being killed? Nope. Was he crying over the loss of fellow Muslims to a vile and dispicable cause? Nope.

He was crying over a muslim friend who was killed on 9/11. He was crying over unfair things that he claims were said about that friend before he was dug out of the rubble. Was he crying over muslim terrorists taking his friend's life on that day? Nope. He had no anger for those who killed his friend in the hearing where he was testifying. He was upset over things said about his friends. Let's see, which ought to be worse by a rational person, unfair words to someone or murdering him. Hmmmmm. Yeah, crying ... crying ... over unfair comments is far worse. Yep, THAT for sure is what that committee ought to be spending its time on, not on Islamic terrorism responsible for the murder of three thousand of his fellow Americans that day. Not on other Islamic radicals working every day to do more of the same. I'm sad for the loss of his friend and whatever was unfairly said about him but isn't this hand wringing over words more than a little out of balance compared with what Islamic terrorists have been up to?

We've already lost thousands to these mass-murderers and we'd like to keep from losing more. Where do we start? How about by investigating exactly who's causing it and why? Why can't we talk about this deadly threat in a mature way; in a way that helps us understand how best to combat it?

It's not as if we're going out to round up innocent Muslims like we did with Japanese during WWII. We want to investigate: 1) just how serious is this threat to our safety and security, 2) who's perpetrating it, 3) how they're promoting/perpetrating it and 4) why they're perpetrating it. We MUST fix this problem ... or more of us will die!

It's the federal government's constitutional(!) duty to ensure our citizens' safety and security. Period. It is absolutely congress' right AND responsibility to look into this. The fact that they want to do it in this rather open manner should say something about the objectives, motives and integrity of the people doing it.

Seems to me that Muslims in America, more than ANYONE, would welcome help figuring out this threat with more clarity so we can be most effective defeating it. You DO love your country of choice and its citizens, right?

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