Friday, August 20, 2010

"There They Go Again!" News Flash: The GOP Is NOT Against Helping Small Businesses

Ronald Reagan's famous line (title) is so appropriate. President Obama and Dems in Congress are dragging out their old fable. It is getting tiresome. And it's getting frustrating for the lie it is.

Yes, Congressional Republicans are opposing some of what Dems call help for small businesses. They call what's in their bills a tax cut when, not only is it not a cut, it is no ACTUAL help to small business owners who have to run their businesses sensibly! Do you suppose that's why Republicans are opposed to it? Nah, they can't have a logical reason. After all, they're Republicans! They just like hurting small businesses like the President says. They'd rather sink the economy than allow Obama to have something he wants, right? Does that make any sense, really?

I have an idea Mr. President. Why not ask small businesses what they need and give them that? Oh, that's right, you all in the White House and in Congress don't care what the people want.

Here's the scoop. The 'help' Dems are offering small businesses are tax credits, not tax cuts. One year tax credits for various things. For example, a credit for every person hired. Sounds good on paper, right? That helps small businesses hire, right?

I have a question. If small businesses cannot afford to hire more people, what good is a one-time tax credit for hiring them? What does a business do next year?

This economy isn't going to turn around in a year. What is most likely to happen based on any reasonable assessment of the economic recovery if they fall for this nonsense is the businessmen will hire the people this year and fire them next year. NO BUSINESSMAN WOULD DO THAT TO PEOPLE BECAUSE IT ISN'T FAIR AND IT MAKES THINGS WORSE FOR THEM OVERALL NOT BETTER! No politician can promise a good enough economy next year so that small business owners can hire people or keep people on board that are hired this year. No one knows what'll happen but there's one thing pretty certain. Even uncertainty over next year's economy is enough to make businessmen cautious in hiring. It's not good for their business to hire people this year and, MORE LIKELY THAN NOT, fire them next year. HELLO?

THAT is why Republicans are opposed to some of the things Dems are calling help for small businesses. THEY actually listen to small business owners and try to get done what they say they need. Dems should try it sometime. Oh, and stop complaining about Republicans who are actually trying to give small businesses what they say they want ... and what most respected economists SAY is needed by the way.

Two last questions for the White House and Congressional Democrats.
1) Don't they teach economics at Harvard? (Evidence suggests not, at least to lawyers and politicians-to-be.)
2) If you're so good at organizing and communicating with those who need something, how come you only talk and not listen? Last I heard, communication is a two-way deal. Economists and small business owners are saying what is needed but you all keep doing something else. Because you are the experts, right?

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