Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More Lies About Who Created The Mess

This week Vice President Biden and House Minority (Republican) Leader Boehner traded barbs over this economic non-recovery. Boehner made a speech first, they Biden responded. In his response, Biden complained about Bush and then said "For eight years before we arrived in the West Wing Mr. Boehner and his party ran this economy and the middle class into the ground".

Democrats have been spreading this lie for so long that many Americans no longer give it a second thought. Even Biden now believes that Boehner and his party ran this economy into the ground for eight years. Yes, Republicans caused much of our economic problems but Democrats took control of congress, therefore (according to the constitution!) control over the economy as well in 2007 ... NOT 2009! Boehner and Republicans had control of Congress for 6 years, not 8 Mr. Biden. Weren't you paying attention which party actually handed off this mess to you?

In fact, when Democrats took control in 2007, they proceeded to run the economy into the ditch even faster than did Republicans via even greater spending and much greater debt. For two years before Biden arrived in the West Wing, Democrats had all the control they needed to stop what happened. Not only did they not stop it, they made it worse via even more ridiculous spending than that by Republicans.

For two years Democrats were the ones pushing us ever faster into the collapse. Sorry Mr. Biden. As much as you'd like to give them a pass via your revisionist history, Democrats in fact had a non-trivial role in the collapse too. They had plenty of time to head it off before you arrived in the West Wing. But the fact is, they chose to make it worse. The truth is, since Democrats were in charge of spending, taxing and debt for two years immediately prior to your arrival in the West Wing, you arguably inherited this mess from them, not Republicans. Please stop the lies sir.

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