Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tail Wagging The Dog

535 men and women in Congress doing what some 70% of Americans do NOT want them to do. Some 150 million people do NOT like what those so-called representatives are doing but this HANDFUL of a political class that's out of touch with citizens say they don't care what most Americans want. They're going to do legislation the way THEY want, period!


Also, most Americans do NOT like the WAY they're creating and passing legislation. The process sucks. Unimaginable audacity prevails in shutting the minority party out of the process. It's fundamentally unconstitutional too. The founders NEVER intended for a tyranny of the majority to EVER exist and they made a point of cautioning against it. Yet that is what's being done.


What's up with this arrogant political class? How DARE they call themselves representatives! A House of 'Representatives'? Huh? Just WHO are they representing? NOT the majority of Americans!

NO WONDER Americans are now completely fed up with BOTH parties. Republican citizens are fed up with Republican 'representatives' and Democrat citizens are fed up with Democratic 'representatives'. And these 535 UNrepresentative congress-people really don't even care. BOTH parties cater to their special interests and American citizens lose out.

This political class must not be allowed to continue this nonsense. We The People want OUR government back in OUR hands!

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