Friday, August 27, 2010

The Failure of Major Federal Programs: Responsibility And Stewardship - Part 2

Who created these ‘monsters’ of problems? Democrats created these blood (money) sucking programs. Is there anything a rational person should take away from that fact?

Were they ‘bad’ to start with? Yes and no. What they were trying to do is commendable I suppose … help those who can’t help themselves kind of thing but all these programs were vastly over-done from the start. The arguments against them were consistently along these lines:

1. Too much welfare … creating a class of citizens dependent on government is sooooo not good.
2. We can barely afford it now but won’t be able to later, the more people become dependent on them. (This is the historical, classic result of welfare programs!)
3. We’re ignoring a lot of the real costs.

If they weren’t so bad for our economy to start, what happened? Many who are complaining about what these programs are doing to our economy talk about it as if we who USE any of the benefits are causing the problems. If we were abusing the benefits somehow it would be a legitimate argument but, in most cases we’re not. We’re just making use of what government has made available.

We are not doing anything wrong … we’re following the rules. We didn’t complain when the government started TAKING our money for programs like social security. THEY shouldn’t complain when we start using programs like SS according to THEIR rules that we followed all our working lives. It is how the programs are constructed that is the problem! And who’s responsible for how they're set up AND for fixing that? The first part of the answer is: NOT WE WHO USE THEM!

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