Thursday, April 2, 2009

Republican Budget Bill: Will It Get A Fair Shake?

The Republicans submitted a budget proposal. It is serious legislation that represents the will and interests of the other 40% of Americans whose interests have been ignored since this economic collapse began. It deserves serious consideration and debate if Democrats have any interest in constitutional due-process, in being fair to the other 40% of Americans or in the principle of reaching across the aisle as they claim to stand for.

We should note that this bill represents a serious attempt to be part of the solution rather than just saying no. Question is, will Democrats say no (again) to this or give it a fair airing out via debate and compromise?

Another question is how will the media handle this Republican budget proposal? Will they cover it at all? If they do, will they make fair and balanced analyses, comparing pros and cons with the Democratic budget proposal? Will they help Americans understand both bills or will they basically throw rocks at the Republican proposal in a biased and political/agenda-serving way?

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