Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm Opposed To Taxation Without Representation - So TEA Party 4 Me

There's a TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party Coming April 15th Near You. Check it out at:

I don't know about you but I'm with our founding fathers and the Declaration of Independence on this. Taxation without representation has no place in this country. We fought a war against an oppressive government for freedom from such tyranny and it's worked out pretty well for over 200 years.

If you don't think that is happening, consider this:
  1. The bills being passed to deal with this economic mess commit us to record spending. That means record taxes too you know ... where do you think they get the money they're spending? It's OUR money ... ALL of us.
  2. Elected Republican representatives are being shut out of participating in formulation of those bills that address one of the most severe economic crises in our history. That means that some 40% of Americans have no representation in the creation of the bills or, therefore, in determining the consequences but we WILL be told we have to pay for it. (And so will our kids and their kids and ...) That's taxation with NO way for our interests to be heard. If we will be forced to pay for this shouldn't we have something to say about it in the first place? Wasn't that what the Declaration of Independence was all about?
  3. It's actually worse than that. Fact is, NO citizen can be sure his interests are being represented because those voting on these bills aren't even taking the time to read them much less understand them! How can they be sure their vote represents the will of the people they supposedly represent? They don't know the will of the people and they obviously don't care to know before they vote. They're not even interested in debating it for at least the principle of it. The process sounds kinda unconstitutional doesn't it?
  4. The Democratic leadership has denied Republican participation in the legislative process and won't allow alternative proposals a fair hearing much less debate. So which party is actually "the party of no"? At least when Bush pressed for his tax cuts he discussed it with the minority Democrats and made a compromise for them (he changed it from a permanent tax cut to a temporary one because of Democratic opposition). (BTW, what Democrats are calling tax cuts in their bill are NOT tax cuts that Republicans support so it's completely disingenuous to claim those tax cuts are a compromise to Republicans.)
  5. Bottom line: historical, economy-choking and wealth-stealing tax increases are in process by unilateral action of one political party with no effort to ensure it represents the will of a single American (see #3 above). It boggles my mind to think that even Democratic citizens are okay with this with respect to principles in/behind the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
So, I think I need to attend the TEA party on April 15th. Even our smallish community is participating. If you want to check into it and see if there's one near you, check out the link at the top of this blog.

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