Friday, March 6, 2009

Unrepresentative Government

Regarding my previous blog about Congress and the President not representing the people, consider the following comparison and the implications.

Take the Iraq government for example. There are approximately twice as many Shiite's as Sunni's in Iraq and Kurds represent a very small minority of its citizens. We all know how well publicized it was that our government insisted on fair representation of not only the two large groups but of even the SMALL Kurdish minority as well. (This is consistent with a republic form of government which ours is ... or at least was as founded.) The recent history of Iraq's new government is very clear that while the Iraq government was being formed and while Iraqis' elected representatives were considering historic government and economic reforms, our government (Democrats, Republicans, the State Department, and President) INSISTED ON fair and balanced participation, consideration and OUTCOMES that included the interests of all three groups of people, including the small minority Kurdish population.

Compare that with what's going on in our own country. Republicans are not even being allowed in the room while leading Democrats decide the contents of legislation and what nature of legislation gets pursued. In fact, the Democratic leaders in the legislative and executive branches made a point multiple times of saying(!) "we won so we get to say what's in legislation [regardless what Republicans want]". In fact, bills' voting percentages SCREAM that Republicans aren't being allowed ANY semblance of a voice in what becomes law in our country ... even for these large and sweeping reforms currently under way.

Our government insisted on fair representation of ALL groups in Iraq's government and instisted that the outcome include fair representation of all people's interest. Yet we allow one party complete control over sweeping government, economic and other reforms, including record mind-boggling debt that ALL Americans will have to pay for, not just the Democrats who are creating that debt.

We (arrogantly?) held our own constitution and republic-based principles up to the Iraqis as the standard. Not only do our current actions show us for the hypocrites we are but it shows in dramatic fashion how far we've strayed from our own republic-based principles as contained in both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

This is wrong, simply wrong! How can any American citizen stand for this? What's going on in our own legislative and executive branches is unconscionable, demonstrably unconstitutional and definitely not consistent with the principles of a republic that our founding fathers intended nor that they in fact created vis a vis the constitution and other documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

I, for one, am outraged! I fear great harm can come to our country running it this way.

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