Monday, February 13, 2012

This White House Believes It's Own Lies And Nonsense Spinning

Jack Lew, the White House chief of staff, made the rounds on Sunday talk shows to begin spinning President Obama's upcoming 2013 budget. Y'know that inconvenient constitutional requirement that led Obama to produce a budget last year that got no yes votes at all in the Democratic(!) Senate. I guess the White House figured that insufficient spin was the reason it wasn't passed last year when in fact it was due to outrageous spending that even Democrats couldn't swallow.

When asked why the senate, controlled by the president's own party, hasn't passed a budget in 1,019 days, Mr. Lew trotted out the standard spin line, "You can't pass a budget in the Senate of the United States without 60 votes." Only problem with that is a budget only needs a majority of 51 votes to pass in the Senate and they have enough Democrats there to pass it without a single Republican vote. By the way, Mr. Lew, President Obama couldn't create a budget last year that could get a single supporting vote from his own party so good luck with that spin thing.

President Obama and his administration are so sold out to spin and twisting truth that they seem to think that just because they think and/or say something it must be true because they thought it. If these guys aren't competent enough to get basic constitution-based requirements right, they're not competent to do something as complex as running the country.

It's interesting that the White House is sending out their spin doctors in advance(!) of the president's budget this year. I guess they think the reason it didn't get a single vote last year is because they didn't explain it well enough. Ms. Pelosi's rule for getting things passed, "we have to pass it so we can see what's in it", isn't going to work any more so they just need to spin it better to fix that problem. Two problems with that President Obama.

First, a fundamentally flawed (ie, far too expensive) budget won't pass regardless of spin. Second, you guys don't know what you're talking about. So stop talking and just do your stinking job. Better than you have for the previous three years please!

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