Andrew McCarthy put it precisely correct in his NRO piece today:
"Forget the fratricidal warfare between two
establishment soldiers [Romney/Gingrich] so harmonious on substance that their contest,
inevitably, has descended into a poisonous, personal food-fight. The
problem is not the GOP infighting. The problem is the GOP [Establishment]. [Establishment] Republicans
are simply not interested in limiting government or addressing our death
spiral of spending."
That is pure, unadulterated TRUTH! They're nothing less than a progressive wing of the Republican party. Unfortunately it's a significantly large and powerful wing. But there is no doubt they've COMPLETELY(!) lost their collective minds vis a vis republicanism.
The behavior of "Establishment Republicans" is the EXACT reason why Democrats can legitimately call out the GOP on their UTTER FAILURE to control spending and debt during the Bush years. It makes MANY of us Republicans sick to death of the nonsense going on with/from/between Romney and Gingrich. If Obama wins his reelection it will be entirely because of the nonsense going on/from this spineless bunch of politicians who have the nerve to call themselves Republicans.
Romney has never been a big secret to us. I like that he 'looks' presidential. Unfortunately we need a Republican president who will operate like Republicans used to. He's a moderate Republican in much the same way McCain was. No wonder McCain endorsed him! That endorsement completely validates the extent to which Romney is a moderate of the same (losing!) ilk. Romney is also a capitalist of the kind we're fed up with too. (Yes, many of us Republicans don't like that any more than most liberals!) It didn't take Trump's endorsement of Romney today to convince us of Romney's dark side of capitalism nature but it adds certainty where uncertainty may have existed.
Gingrich's constitution support/knowledge bona fides gave us hope that someone among the Republican Establishment really does get it regarding our ==>> Republic <<== . However, we were nervous and now events of the past couple of weeks shot that notion completely full of holes. He 'feels' every bit as much an Establishment Republican in the bad sense (although different 'flavor') as Romney.
So now what? Santorum is the only candidate acting/talking like a genuine conservative. The interesting ... and HOPEFUL(!) ... thing about him is that he hasn't changed who he is ... ever. True, one can find a couple of important issues where he initially took the wrong position but he's now clear about what those mistakes were and why they were mistakes. He's a person I trust to genuinely(!) learn from his mistakes. I don't have a problem with people making a few mistakes as long as they truly learn from them and their values/principles are consistently conservative. Santorum seems every inch such a person. He's very appealing to me and pretty much every true conservative.
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